Nature Cycles

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hong Kong Warty Newt

The Hong Kong Warty Newt (Paramesotriton hongkongensis) is an amphibian that looks quite slimy and warty and they live in Hong Kong. They were first found in Hong Kong Island. They are a type of salamander. It's body is very flat and they have very long tails. The back of the newt is almost pure brown, while the underside of the newt is covered with black and red unique patterns, like spots. Hong Kong Warty Newts can grow up to 15 cm. They aren't that big.

The Hong Kong Warty Newts live in ponds that are around 2 m deep. Now the Hong Kong Warty Newt is endangered. They are under protection from the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance. They are endangered because their habitats are being destroyed by pollution and humans. Hong Kong Warty Newts are about to become extinct if we don't help.

Amphibian Unit

Now, we are starting a another unit about amphibians. It won't have any facts about reptiles, though. The Amphibian Unit will have facts about amphibians such as:
  • Hong Kong Warty Newt
  • Axolotl
  • Rio Cauca Caecilian
  • African Clawed Frog
  • Green Treefrog
  • Phantasmal Tree Frog
  • Bullfrog and Bullfrog tadpoles
This could help explain what is happening to amphibians all over the world and help people know more about amphibians.