Nature Cycles

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Green Treefrog

The Green Tree frog (Hyla cinerea) is a very common American frog species. They are so safe and common, they do not need any help. On the conservation level, there is no concern needed for them. These frogs live in the United States, around Florida, southern Georgia, Louisiana, Delaware, eastern Maryland, Virginia, eastern North and South Carolina, eastern Texas, and around the Mississippi Valley and southern Illinois. They might even be living down around the areas of northeastern Mexico, and up at Vancouver Island, which is in British Columbia, which is located in Canada. The American Green Tree Frog lives in lakes, farm ponds, floodplain sloughs, swamps, and marshlands with cypress trees.

Green Tree frogs eat insects, normally during the daytime. Their top insects are crickets, moths, flies, and worms. They can eat nothing for two days and twelve hours and still live. Or if they are truly desperate, they are known to eat their own kind, making them cannibals. American Green tree frogs are normally as big as 6 cm long. These frogs are very popular as pets, and they are being made pets for their looks, which are quite attractive for people who are looking for pets. They need to be handled well, because they are sensitive. Gloves should be worn when they are being picked up and moved somewhere. They are very small in size, so they need to be treated with extreme care and extreme gentleness. They make very good pets.