Nature Cycles

Friday, April 17, 2009


Ambulocetus (Ambulocetus natans) was a huge predator. They lived in the Eocene period. They had flippers and looked a bit like a crocodile, but they weren't related to them. They are actually relatives of whales. Ambulocetus is the earliest form of whale. Ambulocetus means "walking whale". They are 3 metres long. They were carnivores that ate anything-as long as it was meat. When they catch something, they bite it until it drowns. They lived 49-50 million years ago. So, they are not related to crocodiles. They swim like whales; their bodies move up and down, not side to side. When they want to catch something, they put their jaws on the ground to sense vibrations on the ground. They have no ears. Ambulocetus are from the order: Cetacea. They are cetaceans. Ambulocetus are one of the coolest whales ever.


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