Nature Cycles

Friday, June 19, 2009

Woolly Rhinos

Woolly Rhinos (Coelodonta antiquitatis) were just woolly rhinos (obviously). They were in a group of mammals called the perissodactyl group. They were herbivores. They ate grass only. Their closest living relatives were the Sumatran rhinos. They were around 2 metres at the shoulder.

In the winter, the rhino's fur got really thick so that they could live well. All woolly rhino fossils were found in Europe. They were alive 500,000-10,000 years ago. They lived through a lot of Ice Ages. Cave paintings showed that woolly rhinos' middles had a bunch of darker fur. Horns of the woolly rhinos were found in Russia. In Siberia, there were lots of frozen cadavers of them. Most of them didn't have any fur or horns. Woolly rhinos didn't have a very good sense of sight, but they had a good sense of smell. They depend more on their noses than their eyes. Woolly rhinos were dangerous to be around.


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