Nature Cycles

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Mammoths (Mammuthus primigenius) was a very famous animal. Mammoths, as you probably know, were like furry elephants with huge, curved tusks. Mammoth might have meant "mammut", which meant "earth mole". Mammoths were always found half-buried when they died.

As you probably know already, mammoths were mammals. Mammoths were mammals in a group called the proboscid group, which is the elephant family. They were herbivores. They like to eat grass and sedges. Their closest living relatives were elephants. They looked a lot like elephants. Only their tusks were different and they were very furry, and they had a few features that set them apart like the bump on the mammoths' head, and many different things. The male mammoths were about 3 metres tall, and female mammoths were about 2.75 metres tall.

Many mammoth bones were found well in Siberia. They lived 135,000-11,000 years ago. For the winter, their coats grew very long, even as long as 1 meter. They lived through a few Ice Ages. They lived in the Quaternary period. They lived long enough to see humans. Their tusks attracted the humans, so they were hunted a lot. Mammoths were very trustworthy animals. They cared about each other a lot, like modern elephants. Mammoths were very well-known creatures.


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