Nature Cycles

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Rio Cauca Caecilian

The Rio Cauca Caecilian (Typhlonectes natans), is a wormlike animal that lives in rivers and lakes. The Rio Cauca Caecilian is an amphibian, because they come out of the water, and they breathe air. Wild Rio Cauca Caecilians live in Northern Colombia and in Northwestern Venezuela. Adults are usually as big as 50 centimeters long. These caecilians are not endangered or threatened in any way, because they have a perfect environment to live in, and not many animals in their area eat them as prey, so they are safe from their little number of predators. They first came from South America, in the tropical zone, and they started breeding in different places. The temperature is hot in the tropical zone, but caecilians are fine with most water temperatures, as long as they are not in too cold water, like most amphibians.

Rio Cauca Caecilians have no legs, like worms, and they are gray, with lots of gray stripes that look paved in. These are only on females. Males are not so lumpy. They are slippery, because of their habitat, which is underwater, in streams, lakes, rivers, and tanks in either houses or aquariums. Caecilians are not bred on purpose ever. They grow their numbers quickly. The tank they are kept in may have more caecilians the next day, when the caecilians breed, but not because the keepers want to, but because they want to.

In a tank, if you'd like to keep some, caecilians need some rocks or crevices to hide in. They like to have some hiding spots. They are not nocturnal, but they are more active at night. They eat shrimps, worms, insects, and fish smaller than them. The end of the caecilian, opposite of the head, is white, and it feels like rubber. The other side pattern doesn't look much different than the rest of the body. Rio Cauca Caecilians have big mouths, and blueish round eyes.

Caecilians need clean water to live in. Their skin sheddings need to be kept out of their tank as soon as possible. It can dirty the tank, if not cleaned soon enough. Caecilians are blind, and their eyes look blind as well. Caecilians live for 5-20 years. They are also known as rubber worms, eel worms, rubber eels, worm fish, black worms, medusa worms, sicilian worms, and black reef eels. Caecilians are popular pets.


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